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Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linux. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2012

BackTrack 5 R2 Released

Backtrack 5 R2

Download Backtrack 5 R2 - After months of development, bug fixes, upgrades, and the addition of 42 new tools, we are happy to announce the full release of BackTrack 5 R2 available for download now. Running our custom-built 3.2.6 kernel with the best wireless support available, this is our fastest and best release of BackTrack yet. In the past few weeks, we have had a flood of submissions to our BackTrack Redmine Tracker with submissions for many new tools and dozens of packages that needed to be updated and this has helped to make this one of the strongest releases we’ve ever had.

Once again, our good friends over at Paterva have created a special BackTrack edition of Maltego 3.1.0 for your data mining pleasure and we have also included their recently-released CaseFile tool to help you organize and collate data from numerous sources. If you have never used these tools before, you really need to…they will change the way your interact with data and conduct reconnaissance.

You will also find we have included Metasploit 4.2.0 Community Edition, version 3.0 of the Social Engineer Toolkit, BeEF, and many other tool upgrades too numerous to mention. read more here...

Download Backtrack 5 R2
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ubuntu TV, Televisi Berbasis Linux

Ubuntu TV, Televisi Berbasis Linux

Canonical baru saja mengambil wraps off produk baru, dan itu langsung menuju ke ruang tamu Anda. say Hello untuk Ubuntu TV.

Itu saja Anda sedang melihat di atas. Perusahaan telah benar-benar dibawa ke CES 2012 adalah sebuah televisi konsep menjalankan versi tweak sistem operasi Linux dari Ubuntu, kembali untuk digunakan pada set-top box dan TV terhubung. Yang hangat diperdebatkan Unity Interface adalah depan dan pusat, dan semuanya dirancang untuk berselancar dengan ramah.

Selain bertindak sebagai PVR, pengaturan lensa Unity telah ditambahkan untuk fungsi-fungsi media tertentu: mendengarkan musik dan menonton film, browsing YouTube, memeriksa panduan pemrograman, dan mencari konten. Pilihan untuk menyewa atau membeli film, acara, dan musik akan ditampilkan di bawah hasil pencarian, dan Anda juga dapat melihat trailer sebelum tertarik untuk melakukan pembelian.

Mengapa Canonical memutuskan untuk pindah ke TV, CEO Jane Silber mengatakan bahwa produsen tumbuh semakin waspada. Mereka mencari alternatif yang netral, Silber kata, memberikan kesempatan yang luas bagi Canonical untuk masuk dan merayu OEM dengan Ubuntu TV. Awalnya, mereka akan menargetkan dua pasar utama: Amerika Serikat dan Cina. Kemudian, tentu saja, mereka dengan senang hati akan mendorong Ubuntu TV untuk negara tambahan jika permintaan ada.

Mereka akan menyediakan perangkat lunak secara gratis, seperti yang mereka lakukan dengan sistem  operasi  mereka. Sayangnya, Canonical belum mengatakan apakah akan membuat Ubuntu TV tersedia didownload bagi pengguna akhir. Bahkan jika mereka tidak, Anda hampir dapat menjamin bahwa komunitas pengembang Ubuntu akan cambuk sesuatu yang menawarkan pengalaman yang sangat mirip.

Detail PC Pro via Geek
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Monday, November 14, 2011

Download Linux Mint 12 (RC)

Download Linux Mint 12

Linux Mint founder and lead developer Clement Lefebvre has announced the arrival of a release candidate for version 12 of his project's Ubuntu-based Linux distribution, code-named "Lisa". The new edition has a GNOME 3 desktop with customisations that bring some of the look and feel of GNOME 2.

Last week, the Mint team announced that version 12 of the distribution will switch to GNOME 3 but continue to offer the familiar desktop environment to users. The developers do this via "Mint Gnome Shell Extensions" (MGSE), which add traditional desktop elements such as a start menu and window list at the bottom of the screen.

More details about the release candidate can be found on the New features in Linux Mint 12 page. Although the project's community site is still down for maintenance, ISO images of the release candidate can be downloaded from several mirror servers. (via | h-online)

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Backtrack 5 R1 Released

Backtrack 5 R1 Released

Backtrack 5 R1 Released | We’re finally ready to release BackTrack 5 R1. This release contains over 120 bug fixes, 30 new tools and 70 tool updates. We will be rolling out some howto’s on our wiki in the next few days, such as VMWare tool installation, alternate compat-wireless setups, etc. The kernel was updated to and includes the relevant injection patches. As usual, please report bugs to us through our redmine ticket system for the fastest response. Don’t forget to also check our forums and wiki (will be updated in the next few days).

We are really happy with this release, and believe that as with every release, this is our best one yet. Some pesky issues such as rfkill in VMWare with rtl8187 issues have been fixed, which provides for a much more solid experience with BackTrack. 

We’ve released Gnome and KDE ISO images for 32 and 64 bit (no arm this release, sorry!), as well as a VMWare image of a 32 bit Gnome install, with VMWare Tools pre-installed.

Lastly, I would like to thank the whole BackTrack team for pulling off the late nights working on this release, as well as Offensive Security for funding all of this stuff. If you need real world Penetration Testing Training – head on over to Offensive-Security and get ready for a bumpy ride!

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sejarah Perkembangan Linux (Infographic)


Sejarah Perkembangan Linux (Infographic) via Geek
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Monday, August 15, 2011

Linux Kernel 3.1 RC2 Release

Linux Kernel 3.1 RC2

Linux Kernel 3.1 RC2 Release | Linus Torvalds has announced the release of Linux kernel 3.1 rc2. There isn't too much to see and Linus notes that this is a fairly calm release for coming just one week after the close of the Linux 3.1 kernel merge window.

As LKML is down at the moment, below is the 3.1-rc2 release announcement from Linus:

Hey, nice calm first week after the merge window. Good job. Or maybe people are just being lazy, and everybody is on vacation. Whatever. Don't tell me. I'm reasonably happy, I want to stay that way.
That said, I would be happy if it calmed down further. 300+ commits for -rc2 is good, but please make me even happier for -rc3 by ONLY sending me real fixes. Think of it as "fairly late in the -rc series", because I really want to compensate for the merge window being fairly chaotic.

via | THN
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Friday, August 12, 2011

File Recovery Tools For Linux

File Recovery Tools For Linux | Seperti semua jenis aplikasi lain, pengguna Windows akan menemukan sejumlah pilihan software recovery file. Disisi lain, pilihan untuk pengguna Linux, terbatas. Berikut beberapa Software recovery untuk Linux:

Ddrescue adalah program pemulihan file yang beroperasi secara otomatis. Tanpa mendorong pengguna untuk tindakan tepat waktu, salinan data dari satu file atau blok yang lain, mencoba untuk menyelamatkan data jika terjadi kesalahan membaca. Jika tidak diminta, aplikasi tidak akan memotong output file atau menulis nol untuk output ketika sektor buruk ditemukan di masukan. Jadi " setiap kali Anda menjalankannya pada file output yang sama, mencoba untuk mengisi kekosongan tanpa memusnahkan data yang telah diselamatkan. "

Safecopy adalah software pemulihan file lain yang paling cocok untuk penggalian data dari sumber eksternal seperti disket, CD, dll. Aplikasi ini termasuk low level IO untuk membaca disk CDROM pada raw modus.

TestDisk adalah freeware pemulihan file yang kuat untuk Linux. Aplikasi ini dapat memulihkan partisi yang dihapus, sektor boot FAT32, memperbaiki MFT menggunakan MFT mirror, memperbaiki FAT tables, file dari partisi yang dihapus FAT/exFAT/NTFS/ext2/ext3/ext4, dan banyak lagi.

PhotoRec adalah aplikasi pemulihan file di Linux yang paling cocok untuk memulihkan foto dan file media. Hal ini juga dapat memulihkan file dokumen dan bekerja dengan sumber eksternal sama baiknya.

Mondo Rescue
Mondo Rescue adalah alat yang sangat baik untuk situasi yang melibatkan kerusakan GPL. Aplikasi ini mendukung sumber eksternal dan dikemas untuk distribusi RedHat yaitu, RHEL, SuSE, SLES, Mandriva, Debian, dan Gentoo.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Download BlackBuntu V0.3

BlackBuntu V0.3 Released Released

Download BlackBuntu V0.3 | For Blackbuntu 0.3 we are supporting both x86 and x86_64 architectures. Security and Penetration Testing tools available in Blackbuntu :

You can download the Blackbuntu Community Edition 0.3 ISO DVD with the following link:

ISO Image(Torrent)

VMWARE (Torrent)

Virtual Box Image(Torrent)

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Linux 3.0 Kernel Release, Download Now

Kernel Linux 3.0 Release

Linux 3.0 Kernel Release, Download Now | Sebuah Post Google+ Terbaru oleh Linus Torvalds menunjukkan bahwa versi kernel Linux 3.0 akan menunggu karena penemuan "subtle pathname lookup bug" Linus menunjukkan, "Kami memiliki patch, kita memahami masalah, dan tampak ObviouslyCorrect (tm), tapi saya rasa saya tidak ingin melepaskan 3,0 hanya beberapa jam setelah menerapkannya."

Linus Torvalds malam ini mengumumkan rilis resmi Linux 3.0. Kernel Linux 3.0 akan dirilis sebagai kernel Linux 2.6.40, sampai pengembang memutuskan untuk mengakhiri seri 2,6 dan bergerak maju dengan seri 3.x. 

Rincian Phoronix posting beberapa dari fitur Linux 3.0, termasuk file-sistem pendukung Cleancache, awal dukungan Intel Ivy Bridge, grafis yang lebih baik kernel open source driver, dan banyak driver hardware tambahan lainnya. 

"Jadi, Lewatlah sudah 2,6, dan 3,0 released. " Sekarang saatnya untuk mulai  bersemangat tentang kernel Linux 3.1. Dengan rencana awal kernel 3.1 yang bicarakan kemarin, jendela menggabungkan mungkin sedikit off (lebih panjang atau lebih pendek) karena Linus Torvalds mengambil liburan minggu depan. 

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2 Release

Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2 Release | The release of the second alpha of Oneiric Ocelot, Ubuntu 11.10, was pushed back a week to this coming Thursday, 7 July. In May, the schedules were adjusted which also meant a maintenance update to 10.04 was delayed a week.

Alpha 1 arrived on schedule, but the Debian Import Freeze, which had been originally scheduled to occur on 16 June, was slipped to 30 June, when 11.10 Alpha 2 was due; Alpha 2 is now due on 7 July. In amongst the changes in the release schedule, 10.04.3, the maintenance update to 10.04 – the most recent Long Term Support version of Ubuntu – has been slipped by a week to 21 July.

No other dates on the schedule have been changed. Thursday's Alpha 2 will see the appearance of Mozilla Thunderbird 5.0 as the default mail client, though this is still a provisional feature. Alpha 3 is still pencilled in for 4 August, after which the feature set will be frozen on 11 August. The first beta will arrive on 1 September, a second on 22 September and the final release will then be on 13 October.

Correction: The scheduling changes here have apparently been planned since the end of May, but were not reported by The H at the time; the article has been revised to reflect this.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Ubuntu One Reaches Android

Ubuntu One Reaches Android

Ubuntu One Reaches Android | Canonical has announced that an Ubuntu One app is now available for Android devices. The app allows Ubuntu One users to browse, manage, upload and download files and folders from the comfort of an Android phone.

It also automatically backs up photographs taken on the phone to the Ubuntu One cloud and allows users to select files and easily share them to Facebook, Twitter or a blog by tapping and holding on the file to be shared. Synchronisation is also controllable: the user can select whether to sync over only Wi-Fi, only mobile data or over both. Ubuntu One Files for Android is available for free in the Android Market or as AGPLv3 licensed source code on Launchpad.

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LibreOffice 3.4.1 Released

LibreOffice 3.4.1
LibreOffice 3.4.1 Released The Document Foundation has announced the release of LibreOffice 3.4.1. The new release fixes several bugs that affected the previous version. 3.4.1 is not regarded as suitable for large enterprise deployments; it is still recommended that enterprises continue to use LibreOffice 3.3.3 which has already been extensively tested. LibreOffice 3.4.2 is due to target enterprise deployments and is expected to be released at the end of July. The Foundation does say that apart from enterprise users, LibreOffice 3.4.1 "can be safely deployed for production needs by most users".

The details of the majority of the fixes in 3.4.1 can be gleaned from the RC1 change log; it notes a number of crashing bugs fixed in Calc and Writer among other resolved issues. There are fewer known issues listed in the release notes but there are still problems with MS Office compatibility and recovery and a known crashing bug with Writer when using undo-redo on moved formulas.

LibreOffice 3.4.1 and LibreOffice 3.3.3 are available to download from the LibreOffice website and licensed under the LGPLv3.

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Mandriva 2011 RC1 Arrives

Mandriva 2011 RC1 Arrives  | The first release candidate for Mandriva Linux 2011 is now available to download after being announced 24 hours in advance of it being available on the servers. That pre-announcement explained that the images were undergoing extra internal testing as the final changes were being made to the UI, login manager, desktop themes and more. Between beta 3 and RC1, the developers have made a "huge number of changes" and wanted to ensure "the most adequate experience with this first release candidate". The UI update is described as "(almost) final"

Beyond the newly integrated UI, Mandriva 2011 RC1 includes updated versions of Mandriva's own Sync, Sphere and Improver applications. There are also updated packages which deliver Firefox 5.0, 1.10.2, pidgin 2.9.0, kdepim 4.6.0, OpenStack, Chromium 12 (and 13 available), GCC 4.6.1, vlc 1.1.10, Opera 11.50, sqlite 3.7.7, Samba 3.5.9 and more.

ISO images of this release candidate can be downloaded from Madriva mirror sites; for example, the UK Mirror at UKC has the 32-bit compatible Mandriva.2011-rc1.i586.iso and 64-bit compatible Mandriva.2011-rc1.x86_64.isoavailable. When searching on other mirrors to locate the ISO files, look in the devel directory, then the iso directory within that and the 2011 directory within that.

via | h-online
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Monday, June 27, 2011

KDE SC 4.7 Release

KDE SC 4.7 Release | The KDE Community has announced the arrival of the first release candidate for version 4.7 of the KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC), a development version of the next major release of the popular Linux and Unix desktop manager. According to the developers, the team is currently focusing on fixing last-minute bugs, as well as completing translations and documentation; the final release of KDE SC 4.7.0 is planned for 27 July 2011.

KDE SC 4.7 offers improvements to KWin, the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop, adding support for OpenGL-ES 2.0 and improving its overall performance on mobile devices. User interface changes have been made to the Dolphin file manager which have improved file metadata searching. KDE's login manager, KDM (KDE Display Manager), now works with the Grub2 boot loader. The Marble virtual globe application, which is similar to Google Earth, now supports offline address search.

KDE SC 4.7

As with all development releases, use in production environments and on mission critical systems is not advised. Users testing the release are encouraged to provide feedback and report any bugs that they find.

Further information about this first release candidate for KDE SC 4.7 can be found in the official release announcement and on the KDE SC 4.6.90 Info Page. Source code for self-compilation and binary packages for various Linux distributions are available to download from the project's web site.

KDE is licensed under a combination of the LGPLv2, BSD, MIT and X11 licences for core libraries and the GPLv2 or GPLv3 for applications. The latest stable release is KDE SC 4.6.4, a maintenance update from earlier this month to the 4.6 branch.

via | h-online
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Scientific Linux 5.6 Released

Scientific Linux 5.6
The developers of Scientific Linux (SL) have released version 5.6 of their Linux distribution. As with the project's previous versions, this one is a free remodeling of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) with the same version number – SL 5.6 therefore also includes all of the improvements that Red Hat added to RHEL 5.6.

In the release email, the developers emphasise the Atom Shine graphical theme as being one of the main innovations, followed by a list of packages that the SL developers have included which are not in RHEL 5.6. Versions of SL prior to 6.0 contain a lot of such packages; in SL 6.0, the developers added only a few additional packages, referring users instead to repositories such as ATrpmsEPEL and RPMforge for additional software.

The SL developers certainly took their time – Oracle and CentOS produced their remodeled versions of RHEL 5.6, which was released in January, months ago; RHEL 5.7 will probably be published in just a few weeks. In contrast, the SL developers were much faster with version 6.0, with an alpha of version 6.1already released. The CentOS project is still working on version 6.0, which, according to the unofficial project calendar, is about to be finalised and released.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

KDE SC 4.6.4 Released

The KDE Community has announced the arrival of its next-generation Kontact Suite and published the fourth point update to the latest major release of the Linux and Unix desktop – version 4.6.4 of the KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC). The Kontact Suite is a set of personal information management (PIM) applications, including the KAddressBookcontact manager, the KMail email client and KOrganizer, a calendar and scheduling application.

According to the developers, the latest release of the Kontact Suite is "a major milestone" that has received "a major architectural boost" through its new infrastructure layer, the Akonadi framework. The new scalable Akonadi groupware framework allows developers to build interconnected PIM-related applications for both desktop systems and touchscreen-based devices. They note that, while the underlying internals have been updated, minimal changes have been made to the user interface, so current users will still recognise it.

Improvements in Kontact 2 include faster email notifications, improved IMAP email performance and better interoperability with other applications. Users upgrading from older versions will have their accounts and underlying data automatically imported into Akonadi – old configuration and data will be left in place should a rollback ever be needed. Originally, the integration of Akonadi was planned for KDE 4.0, but it kept being postponed. The first application to use the Akonadi framework was the KDE address book in version 4.4 of the desktop environment.

As expected, the maintenance release of the open source K Desktop Environment (KDE) includes a variety of translation updates and bug fixes for the Plasma Desktop and Netbook workspaces, the KDE Applications and the KDE Platform. The fourth in a series of monthly updates includes fixes to address bugs in the Dolphin file manager, the KGpg interface for GnuPG and the KDE Multimedia package, specifically JuK.

Further information about the KDE SC update and Kontact 2, including a video of Kontact Touch, can be found in the official release announcement, in the change log and on the KDE SC 4.6.4 Info Page. Source packages for self-compilation and binary packages for various Linux distributions are available to download from the project's web site. KDE is licensed under a combination of LGPLv2, BSD, MIT and X11 licences for core libraries and the GPLv2 or GPLv3 for applications.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oracle releases Oracle Linux 6.1

Oracle has announced the availability of Oracle Linux 6.1. Oracle Linux is built from the source of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and is made available with Oracle's own "Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel" (UEK) by default, or with a Red Hat compatible kernel.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux was released in mid-May and despite Red Hat's efforts to slow cloners, Oracle's 6.1 release has followed in less than two weeks. The release notes for Oracle Linux 6.1 note only Oracle's usual changes to remove Red Hat branding and branded documentation and add the based UEK and its own release notes. According to Oracle, its UEK has improved IRQ balancing, less lock contention, improved network I/O and virtual memory performance.

Oracle Linux 6.1 is available to download through Oracle's eDelivery pages, but requires registration and agreement to export restrictions.

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Download Mandriva Linux 2011 Beta 3

H-Online : The Mandriva development team has published a third beta for Mandriva Linux 2011. Following delays last month due to the developers requiring additional time to finish stabilisation work, a new release date for the final version of Mandriva Linux 2011 has yet to be announced.

Based on the Linux kernel, Mandriva Linux 2011 Beta 3 features a new Dolphin file manager user interface (UI) and a new UI theme for widgets, KDM and the KDE environment. The system panel, stack folders and the system start menu have also received updates.

The Mandriva Linux 2011 Beta 3 desktop. Other changes include a new TimeFrame feature that provides semantic desktop capabilities to the initial menu, allowing the browsing of files by date, and various bug fixes and package updates. The developers also note that "a mass-rebuilding procedure was carried out to improve the system stability for supported packages".

As with all development releases, use in production environments and on mission critical systems is not advised. Users testing the release are encouraged to provide feedback and report any bugs that they encounter.

More details about the beta release can be found in a post on the Mandriva Blog and on the 2011 Development wiki. This third beta for Mandriva Linux 2011 is available to download from one of the project's mirrors. The latest stable release of Mandriva Linux is version 2010.2, an incremental security and stability update from December 2010.

The first stable release of Mandriva Linux community fork Mageia is expected to arrive later today.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

First Candidate of Linux 3.0 Release

It was already on the cards last week, and now it's official: the next kernel of the Linux main development branch is to be given version number 3.0, as explained by Linus Torvalds in his release email for the first RC of the new version. The final 3.0 release is expected in about seven to nine weeks. With this release candidate, the kernel's name has also been changed from "Flesh-Eating Bats with Fangs" to "Sneaky Weasel".

Being the successor of Linux 2.6.39, which was released eleven days ago, the version in the current development cycle would have been called 2.6.40. Since the release of version 2.6.0 almost seven and a half years ago, and the subsequent decision to abandon the development of "unstable series" such as 2.3 and 2.5, the kernel hackers simply kept incrementing the kernel's three-figure version number. However, in a surprise move a few days ago, Linus Torvalds said that the "voices in his head" had told him that the numbers are getting too big. It was in this context that Torvalds mentioned he was considering a jump to 2.8.0, but the resulting discussions soon revolved around version 3.0.

The leading "3" is to designate the third decade, which Linux will enter soon – the kernel will be 20 years old later this year. The successor of version 3.0 is to be called 3.1 and will probably be released two to three months after 3.0. In future, the versions in the Stable and Long-term series that are developed in parallel with the main development line will be able to use the third part of the version number to identify their kernels; they previously used a fourth part. Various scripts in the kernel and its environment still need to be adapted to this change; this is one of the reasons why the release candidate is currently called 3.0.0-rc1, rather than 3.0-rc1, in various places. Linus Torvalds has created a new directory for the version 3.0 kernels at; the scripts for the site's home page have not been full adapted and don't yet link to the Linux 3.0-rc1 archives.

In his release email for 3.0-rc1, Torvalds writes that jumping to version 3.0 was a decision he made by himself. He also emphasised that this version will offer no major changes. "The point is that 3.0 is *just* about renumbering" said Torvalds, adding that the new version won't offer big changes unlike, for instance, KDE 4 and GNOME 3 did. Last week he explained to other kernel hackers that he wasn't going to use the milestone version jump to make any specific major changes or drop such supposed legacies as the kernel's MCA, EISA or ISA support (1, 2).

However, the release candidate of 3.0 does contain the usual flurry of advancements, as these were developed and submitted by many other kernel hackers even before the discussions about a 3.0 version jump began.Unexpectedly, the changes do include the Xen storage backend. This means that the kernel now contains all the components needed to run as a management domain (Dom0) kernel under the Xen hypervisor; some background on this is available in a blog posting by Oracle employee Wim Coekaerts.

The Linux 3.0 netfilter code now contains a Just-In-Time compiler for x86-64 systems that is said to enhance the kernel's performance in terms of firewall packet processing. The developers have also made numerous further improvements to the still-experimental Btrfs file system. As usual, they have also added a few dozen new drivers to the kernel, including the rtl8192se driver for Wi-Fi chips by Realtek and a driver for the Micronas DRXD DVB-T tuner, which is used by various vendors. Over the coming weeks, the Kernel Log on The H will discuss these and many further advancements in Linux 3.0.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7 Beta Released

H-Online : A week after the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.1, Red Hat has announced the availability of a beta version of RHEL 5.7. The RHEL5 family is still in the first RHEL life cycle phase and as such, 5.7 will contain revised drivers, new features and optimised components, in addition to all of the security fixes that have accumulated over the past few months.

Red Hat says it has improved the speed of host switching for live migration with KVM. In Xen virtualisation on 32-bit hosts, there are a number of speed improvements; guest systems now boot faster and can address up to 256 disks instead of the previous limit of 100.

New enterprise features include Subscription Manager – which has already been integrated into RHEL 6.1 – and OpenSCAP security reporting. New and revised drivers promise improved support for modern network chips, especially those for 10-gigabit Ethernet. Also included are new and improved drivers for Fibre Channel adapters and SAS chips. Red Hat says it has improved support for new processors and chipsets from AMD, Intel and IBM.

RHEL subscribers will receive the beta version via the Red Hat Network. For further details on the changes, see a post on the Red Hat blog and the release notes. At this rate, it is likely that RHEL 5.7 will be released in either mid-July or at the end of July, roughly 6 months after the release of RHEL 5.6. Red Hat is working to keep up this pace with the aim of reducing the gap between minor RHEL releases, as Jim Totton, Vice President of Platform Business Unit at Red Hat, recently stated at Red Hat Summit and JBoss World 2011 in a conversation with The H's associates at heise Open.
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